There is so much to see and do along the east coast we just couldn't begin to do it all. Luckily Rusty took a course in Maryland for his continuing education requirements so the kids and I were able to spend a few days checking out Baltimore.
Ben's favorite was the Submarine
Chipping away sandstone from fossils.
Dallin's favorite was this giant wall made of those tiny plastic sticks that hold whatever shape you push them into. It was cool and self contained in that kids could push from either side.

The first day we used our science membership to get into the science museum. The kids designed containers and participated in an egg drop, played in the children's area, did the dino dig thing, and spent the day exploring and learning.
The next day was Sunday we went to church in Baltimore. It was fun to meet the mother-in-law of my neighbor in Enoch in Relief Society. She and her husband are serving a mission in the area.
Monday we visited the Zoo. We got in free with our zoo membership- which is a good thing, because the zoo was mediocre and a lot of the animals weren't available due to cold weather. We still had a nice day running around outside enjoying the beautiful fall weather.

I think my kids got tired of my oohing and ahhing over all the beautiful leaves. But I couldn't help it. I LOVE the fall!! 

The best part of the zoo was the children's area. They had several fun displays the kids enjoyed. Such as a lily pad leap across the water, larger than life birds nests, a tree slide, and turtle shell spinners.

I had a major debate over the last day. We were trying to do this trip without breaking the bank, but I wanted to do something fun and memorable for everyone. There is an enormous aquarium and a huge children's museum. If only we would have know we could have hit the aquarium Friday night for really cheap, but now it would be over $20 each to go. The children's museum was about 1/2 as much so we opted for that.