Giant Bubbles are Dallin's new interest. It all started when Grandma and Grandpa Clarke gave him a gift card to Home Depot for his birthday. He debated what to do with the gift and remembered seeing someone at Central Park making giant bubbles. He did a little research on the Internet and figured out how to build giant bubble wands and a super strong bubble solution.
So when it came time to come up with a project for the science fair Dallin decided to experiment with techniques to make bigger and better bubbles. First we controlled for wind, sun and such by setting up a bubble station in the garage and using a fan set on low to create enough of a breeze to make bubbles. He laid out a tape measure to assess the length of the bubbles. The experiment involved testing different types of string to see which would make the longest bubbles.
Dallin did a great job and all of the kids LOVED his giant bubbles.