On Saturday the kids had a primary activity at the Dallas Temple. It's about a 45 minute drive to get there so the majority of the activity was driving there and back. At the temple the kids sang a couple of songs to the temple presidency, read a book about the construction of the temple, took some pictures and explored the grounds searching for the rabbits, ducks, cat, and squirrel that hang out in the area. They found one rabbit, who I'm sure feared for it's life as a mass of excited kids chased it- which I hope is not a typical experience living on the usually peaceful temple grounds. :)
When the primary activity was over our family went to see the movie Night at the Museum 2- Battle of the Smithsonian, to celebrate accomplishing our scripture reading goal for the month. The kids loved the first movie- in fact whenever we go to museums they talk about what will happen "when" all the displays come to life. This one was fun as well and the kids are already quoting from it. I guess they inherited that from their dad.
It looks like our next job will be in Philadelphia, PA area so we will get to go see the actual Smithsonian. I'm getting geared up for studying Early American History and taking the kids to some of the historical sites in the area. This is something I've always wanted to do so I'm happy we will have this opportunity, even if it isn't exactlly how I planned it :)
So it looks like PA is a sure thing? What a fun adventure. This is such a cool experience for your family! You guys are awesome!
That will be so fun to be back East for awhile!! How long will you be there?
I got to do a quick, half-day tour of the Smithsonian when I was in high school. I could have spent a week there. It was an amazing, amazing place.
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