With our museum membership we got free tickets to see the IMAX movie so we took another trip to the Science/Children's Museum. The kids weren't so excited to watch the movie because they only show "science" movies. We chose the coral reef movie over the Hurricane Katrina movie, but I was still worried about how the littles would do with their limited attention span. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. The kids were enthralled, if not a little afraid. The huge dome shaped screen surrounded us and it really felt like we were moving at times. My only complaint is that I'm really getting sick of the save the Earth message. Not that I don't believe in saving the Earth- we recycle, reuse and believe in conserving our resources- but it seems like lately every movie, tv show, book, class, etc we've read, watched, attended makes a point of telling us how rotten the human race is and how we are destroying everything. My kids are starting to have a complex about everything we do or don't do.
(Remember that I only believe in brainwashing if I'm doing it :)
While we were waiting for our show we re-visited some of our favorite sites at the museum.
I love to see all the fun things you do with your kids!
I saw your mom and dad at the temple open house yesterday. It was fun to visit with them for a minute and it made me reminisce about the good old days. :)
I hear you on the "green" movement. We just watched Happy Feet last week and I was so disgusted I could hardly see straight. Can't wait to see you all soon! (Although I'll miss these fun blogs!!) ~L
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