Last Saturday we made our third trip to Historic Philadelphia. We were anxious to see the sights before the story benches and children's programs close for the winter. We have loved the story bench program and it has really brought the history of this area alive for all of us. The kids finally earned the final star on their flag and when we turned them in each of them received a coupon good for a free icecream and a ride on the historic Philadelphia carousel (as well as the nifty certificates displayed below).

I find it amusing how much you can tell about a person/child from how they ride a merry-go-round....

Ben chose the flashy dragon (of course) and he doesn't just ride it he "flies" it

Kind hearted Dallin wanted to ride the dragon, but allowed Ben to take it and settled for the mild mannered seal instead- he raises both hands to make the most of his ride on an animal that may not be as flashy but suits him well.

Katie was all about the beautiful horse with the pink flowers- She wanted to sit side saddle and was offended to sit in a manner other than that of a princess.

And here is Lauren on the inspiring eagle. She is embracing new ideas and thoughts and ready to soar to great heights.

If you can't tell already icecream is a favorite family pastime so this was the perfect reward. Since this is already so long I will create a separate entry for the sights we enjoyed.
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El NiƱo Y Tu Pilin
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