Saturday, March 19, 2011

Beauty or the Beast?

Katie got a set of kiddie makeup for Christmas this year and one of her favorite past-times is doing my makeup and hair. Most days her masterpieces go unrecognized and unappreciated, however tonight when she gave me a makeover Rusty was home and insisted on "capturing the moment" for the sake of posterity.

 Typically these are the pictures I delete when I go through our pictures, but for the sake of Kate's reputation as a beautician I decided I would allow her efforts to be documented.

 After a couple of months of practice one day Kate said to me, "Mom I think it's time for you to start paying me for doing your hair and makeup."  Hmmm.... I think Rusty might pay her for the entertainment value :)  He was very amused.

1 comment:

Cass said...

Beautiful, Cindy! :) One of these days you will be glad these pictures didn't get deleted.