April 1st-April 3rd
After dosing the kids up with Dramamine and setting up the TVs we were off. A couple of stops to attempt to fix TVs a few close calls on the car sickness we made it through the canyons to Glenn Canyon Dam in Arizona. 10 hours later we arrived in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 
The next day we took it easy. The kids played at the park until the zoo opened and then we spent the morning exploring the Rio Grande Zoo. Lauren liked the parakeet exhibit (she was missing her bird) and the Koalas. Dallin liked the playground best with a close second of dodging vulture poop as we ran through their exhibit. Ben loved the seals and the prairie dogs. Katie liked the
baby and the mommy monkey. A few hours later we arrived in Amarillo, Texas. We took a late night swim and a trip to the local hot dog shop (corn dogs are now Kate's favorite).
The next morning we set off for the final leg of the journey. Unfortunately Dallin fulfilled the Clarke family tradition of throwing up- in spite of the Dramamine. Luckily that was our only "incident" and we arrived safely.
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