They had nature/craft supplies out and my ever "projecty" kids went right to work. Now we have an acorn mouse, bunny, bear and squirrel
on our fireplace mantle. Of course, Ben rushed over to observe the animals before he was done, so Rusty finished up for him. They had a snake, turtle, some lizards and a few birds that are found in this area on display. They even let us watch them feed the snake a pinkie (which is a baby mouse)- not my idea of fun, but Ben thought it was "so cool."
After spending time enjoying the exhibits and exploring the grounds one of the workers took us on a guided night hike down to the Trinity River, accompanied by the serenade of cricket frogs and whippoorwills. It was just beginning to storm so we were cut short, but the drive home was accompanied by spectacular "fireworks" provided by God.
Friday we attended the Ellis County Homeschool Expo where we found a used math book for Lauren- she's only 10 lessons away from finishing Saxon 3 and was so happy I got her the next one - (Ha, Ha, Ha - I wonder how long it will take for her to decide new math books aren't a joy and privilege.) While we were there we met a couple of boys who were showing off their snakes and turtles. Dallin was astonished when they informed him that all of the critters were caught locally by the boys themselves. Dallin has always wanted a turtle, so he came home motivated and began some serious research on where and how to catch a red-eared turtle.
We spent Saturday afternoon at Waxahachie Lake and nearby ponds searching for a good turtle catching location. All we came home with was a beautiful butterfly Lauren rescued from the water. She released it once the wings were dried out and it could fly.
Sunday we attended our own ward at 9am and we were on time!! It was great and I really like the people here. When we came home the kids found a snake in our "backyard" and they
1 comment:
I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't know you had moved. I am assuming you are now living in Texas? I would love to hear more. Wish you were back here.
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