Monday, October 18, 2010

The Texas Rangers

Anyone that knows  me realizes that I don't love sports. I'm not athletic nor do I desire to be athletic so this is actually a serious weak point in my homeschooling curriculum. In fact it was painfully obvious when Dallin started scouts that we had a HUGE gap in this area. He didn't know the rules to any of the basic games like dodge ball, kick ball, baseball, etc.  Without recess, tv, or a formal PE how would he? Ooops. 

So I'm on a quest to turn this around.  We are "studying" PE this year.  The kids are learning the rules of the main sports and some common recess games and then we will try to play/experience these games.  Of course with my lack of skills and desire I assigned this class to Rusty :)  That's the privilege of being the administrator.  Rusty was thrilled to have the assignment and when his work offered cheap tickets to a Texas Rangers game he was off and running.  So here we are enjoying a professional baseball game as if we were normal sports-crazed Texans.

Before the game Rusty taught the kids the basic rules of the game.  And I planned for distractions for the little ones. We brought plenty of treats and I also brought spray bottles and fans (in case the Texas heat became unbearable).

I also packed cracker jacks. What is baseball without cracker jacks? So when we reached the 7th inning stretch and sang the cracker jack song (yes I know it is Take Me Out to the Ball Game) I passed out the cracker jacks.  Cultural Awareness :)

The kids had a great time! And I felt pleased that I had endured (I mean enjoyed) a homeschool PE lesson. The only thing that would have made the evening better is if the Rangers had actually won. :) Ben was very upset that our team did so bad.

1 comment:

Joe and Marci said...

Even though baseball is probably my least favorite sport to watch, it's my favorite sport to go to as a family. I love the water bottles and cracker jacks :) Looks like you guys had a great time!!