Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Blowing" Up at the Science Fair

Giant Bubbles are Dallin's new interest.  It all started when Grandma and Grandpa Clarke gave him a gift card to Home Depot for his birthday.  He debated what to do with the gift and remembered seeing someone at Central Park making giant bubbles. He did a little research on the Internet and figured out how to build giant bubble wands and a super strong bubble solution.

So when it came time to come up with a project for the science fair Dallin decided to experiment with techniques to make bigger and better bubbles.  First we controlled for wind, sun and such by setting up a bubble station in the garage and using a fan set on low to create enough of a breeze to make bubbles.  He laid out a tape measure to assess the length of the bubbles. The experiment involved testing different types of string to see which would make the longest bubbles.

After all his efforts his record was about 15 ft which was the length of the entire garage where the wind/sun became a limiting factor.  He presented the results of his project at the homeschool science fair and even demonstrated the most successful string.

Dallin did a great job and all of the kids LOVED his giant bubbles.

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